Our emissions
Gibraltar’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are shown in the plots below. The pie chart shows the sectoral split that makes up the total annual emissions for the selected year. The dropdown menu can be used to change the year. The bar chart shows emissions by sector over the last few years. Hovering the cursor over the plots gives a breakdown of emissions by sector/sub-sector. Further explanation is provided beneath.
What are our emissions?
How have our emissions changed over time?
The bar chart above shows the change in emissions by sector over the last few years for comparison.
Gibraltar’s 2022 manageable emissions have decreased by 12% since 2015, but increased by 2% since 2021; this is a result of the following:
- Emissions from electricity generation have stayed static since 2021 (0% change) but have decreased by 37% since 2015. Decreases since 2015 are due to the new power station using natural gas (LNG rather than gas oil only). The amount of electricity produced/consumed has remained fairly static. There have also been modest increases renewable energy generation.
- Emissions from local boats in Gibraltar have decreased by 37% since 2021 (but with 0% change since 2015) due to less fuel being sold to (and assumed used by) local boats in Gibraltar.
- Emissions from waste decreased by 7% since 2021 (and by 16% since 2015) due to a decrease in total waste arisings sent to landfill.
- Emissions from road transport in Gibraltar have increased by 96% since 2021 (and by 32% since 2015) due to more fuel being sold to vehicles in Gibraltar – this is likely a continuation of rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Emissions from aviation increased by 34% since 2021 (but decreased by 1% from 2015) as a result of more flights– again, this is likely a continuation of rebounds from the effects of the pandemic in 2020. There were no ‘international’ flights from Gibraltar in 2022.
- Emissions from IPPU increased by 1% since 2021, and by 9% since 2015. This largely follows trends in UK and Malaga data that is used as a proxy for Gibraltar’s emissions from product use.
A long term plot of total emission trends from 1990 to present, and projections to 2045 is shown here, alongside the actions Government is taking.
How are emissions calculated?
There are a number of key data sets that are used to compile Gibraltar’s GHG inventory coming from data providers such as Gibraltar Electricity Authority, AquaGib, the Port Authority, various Government departments, as well as from specific sites such as the hospital, the airport and hotels. Data provided largely consists of ‘activity data’ (e.g. amount of electricity or volume of fuel consumed). Generally, ‘activity data’ is multiplied by an ‘emission factor’ to estimate the quantity of GHG emissions from a particular source or activity.
Prior to 2015, the inventory was compiled to support UK national reporting (for more information see https://naei.beis.gov.uk/). A substantial revision to the compilation was made in 2015 when, in addition to the original methodology for national reporting, a new city-scale inventory was developed as a better tool to drive Government decision making and planning. This improved methodology uses improved activity data and provides more policy-relevant detail, allowing Government to better understand its impacts and to develop and track emission reduction measures. From 2015, the city inventory is calculated and reported in accordance with the Global Protocol for Cities (GPC) and the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM), a global cooperative effort among mayors and city officials to reduce GHG emissions, track progress, and prepare for the impacts of climate change.
The full methodology for the Gibraltar City Inventory can be found in the technical reports available below.
- 2022 full inventory report and summary
- 2021 full inventory report and summary
- 2020 full inventory report and summary
- 2019 full inventory report and summary
- 2018 full inventory report and summary
- 2017 full inventory report and summary
- 2016 full inventory report and summary
- 2015 full inventory report and summary
- 2013 full inventory report